i would like to get an anemone for my 6o gal tank this is my stock list:
1fuzzy dwarf lionfish(already have)
1valentini puffer(already have)
1goldstripe maroon clown
1coral beauty angel fish
1 blue linkia star
1 sand sifting star
6 blue leg hermits
6 turbo snails
4 cleaner clams
1 purple lobster
some polyps
yellow toadstool leather coral would this stocklist be okay with certain anemones and if so which ones thanks you
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1fuzzy dwarf lionfish(already have)
1valentini puffer(already have)
1goldstripe maroon clown
1coral beauty angel fish
1 blue linkia star
1 sand sifting star
6 blue leg hermits
6 turbo snails
4 cleaner clams
1 purple lobster
some polyps
yellow toadstool leather coral would this stocklist be okay with certain anemones and if so which ones thanks you
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