Can this be fragged?


New Member
I was told this is a colt coral, I have had it for several years and it has grown so large I wondered if it could be separated?
Any suggestion would be greatly appreciated.


Active Member
is it just me or does this not look like a colt? looks more like a type of finger leather...but i could be wrong..and can be fragged
phunkie...beat me to it


Active Member
This looks like a badly bleached finger leather to me.
They can usually be fragged. If you slice it cleanly at the "crook" where it splits into two or more "branches," you should be okay. You need to divide it all the way down to the base; so you have two complete corals, with branches, base, don't just snip off a branch halfway up the animal and expect it to survive.


New Member
Originally Posted by SCSInet
This looks like a badly bleached finger leather to me.
They can usually be fragged. If you slice it cleanly at the "crook" where it splits into two or more "branches," you should be okay. You need to divide it all the way down to the base; so you have two complete corals, with branches, base, don't just snip off a branch halfway up the animal and expect it to survive.
Badly bleached from what? It is usually darker and has green little nubs all over it, the pic is what it looked like when I got home. After I separate it what do I do with the base? Do I just try and get it to attach itself somewhere in my tanks or do i try and get it to attach to a smaller piece of live rock?


Active Member
All I'm saying is that's how it looks to me. I'm used to seeing more of a brown or red color in healthy leathers. It may be bleached, it may not.
Leathers are tough to get to attach to anything because they can slough off flesh, making rubberbands and such slip off. I've never fragged leathers, but I do get them unattached to things. The best way I've found to attach them is to jamb them into a crack or pile live rock rubble around the base and they will eventually attach.


Active Member
no it cant be fragged.
not because it isnt possible, but because you should make sure the coral is healthy before any fragging takes place. its bleached.
if you do frag it. (I wouldnt yet)
you need polyps/face tissue and base tissue. you don't need to slice it all the way to the rock, the underside of the head counts as base tissue (if there arent polyps coming out it its base tissue)
rubberbanding or the dish method works best with leathers IMO

tx reef

Active Member
You don't HAVE to get a part of the base. Back when I kept leathers, I would simply cut a piece of of the edge and use netting to secure it to a rock. I never had any die on me.
They just take longer to attach this way.
IME, it is a common myth that you have to get a piece of the base when fragging shrooms, leathers, etc....


Active Member
Ha, I had my first leather start to die of some unknown disease, basically the whole base and top started rotting away, after a few weeks of trying to save it, it looked like a goner but I liked the rock in came on so I took it out and scraped as much off as I possibly could to prevent fouling the tank. Fast forward a few months and now I have six little leathers off the tiny amounts of flesh that I couldn't get off. This is a toadstool leather but I'm now pretty convinced I can't kill it by fragging.