Can this survive in my tank?


Active Member
What type of lighting? What size tank? What type of fish? Do you have your parameters (nitrate, calc, alk/dKH, etc) in check? Need to know a little more to answer your question...


Active Member
Originally Posted by rebelprettyboy
lol 4got to say which tank lol. tank is 14 gal oceanic biocube with stock lighting
Probably, though they won't grow very fast/well... and you need to keep an eye on your water parameters, nitrates can creep up quickly in that size tank and LPS certainly doesn't like it. Also, don't put them next to each other so they don't sting each other.


Active Member
okie dokie. all paramters are god, just checjed them last night, this is coming from my 30 gal with 250 watt halide to mi little 14 gal PC lighting


Active Member
Originally Posted by rebelprettyboy
okie dokie. all paramters are god, just checjed them last night, this is coming from my 30 gal with 250 watt halide to mi little 14 gal PC lighting
Hmm, that might be a bit of a shock, not sure I'd do it if it were me.