Can Turbo Snails Affect Nitrate Levels?


New Member
I purchased 4 corals online about a month and a half ago. Along with this purchase i bought 25 turbo snails. Before I added the corals my nitrates were zero. I didn't test for a about a month and my nitrates were around 50. I've done 20 percent water changes three times in the past two weeks and the levels haven't gone down at all. I have a 50 gallon, 7 corals, 4 fish, 25 turbos, other misc snails and hermits. If any one knows if i have too many snails for my tank please let me know if this could be the source of my problem or if it is something else. thanks


Active Member
It's not the snails causing the nitrates. Do you overfeed? Do you have a relatively new reliable test kit? :D


Staff member
How do you have you system set up? How much LR, using LS? Using a wet/dry, or canister filter, or any filter that has sponges or bioballs?

nm reef

Active Member
Sure ... turbos can contribute...but not to the degree where nitrates would be that high and remain that high. You may have too many turbos but that probably isn't the only source of your problem. I'd also check into the accuracy of your test...maybe have a trusted LFS check your levels and compare results. Insure any mechanical filtration is clean and properly functioning...linit feedings....continue water changes....when nitrates rise there is always a reason or combination of reasons. determine the cause and eliminate them at the source.:thinking:


New Member
ONly one of the snails has died. I have two test kits and they both are giving me about the same reading of 40-50ppm. I have a ton of live rock and sand. Also I have a 10g sump with bioballs. It may be that I over feed. I have a maroon clown, flame angel, hippo tang, and chevron tang. I feed twice a day, how much is too much feeding??? I really just kind of go on pinches, haha. I am currently feeding pellets as my main food source, with 1-3 times weekly variety feedings of mysis shrimp, and seaweed for the tangs. Also I ordered a 3g refugium and some chaetamorpha the other day. will that clear up my nitrate problem? or will I still have to do some more grueling water changes?