can u keep these fish together?


New Member
yellow tang, hawaiian blue puffer, snowflake eel, and clowfish
could i add a niger trigger?


Active Member
how big of a tank?
and you are going to watch to make sure you get a large species of clown like a moroon so he doesnt disapear in the snowflake once he gets big.


Active Member
yellow tang would need a bigger tank.
niger would need upwards around a 75... but if you jsut like triggers in general a undilated would fit.
and now that im re-reading what you wrote, im assuming the clowfish was clownfish and not "cow"fish... cause they will not fit.
But a hawiian blue, snowflake, and a clown will do fine
not too much room besides that though. Another fish, or 2 if you make them small probably.


I think they ment an undulated all by itself. I see no reason a niger wouldnt work, as long as you realize the trigger and tang will need a larger tank down the road, maby a year or 2.


Active Member
yes sorry
the undulated should be alone
they will tear the clown up. I just gave the suggestion in case your heart was already set on a trigger.


Active Member
hahahaha i thought these posts were very similar... i realized i subscribed the the same person asking the same question in two different threads. lol. Sorry for repeating info then!


i bought a tomato clown to go with my orange tailed fugi puffer. the puffer bullied the clown into submission.
my advice would be to introduce the clown first. I put the puffer in first and now he claims the tank as hisown.


Active Member
the problem is a huma will need about a 70 gallon, whil hes only got a 55. And with other fish in there, an upgrade will soon follow the purchase.