Can you add to much coral

Hi Guys,
I have a 92 corner and been adding a bunch of coral in the past couple of months. All my levels are good, I was just wondering if you can ever add to much. I was told that if you do, your tank could crash? These are some pictures of my tank now. I am going to be moving the frags to my frag tank. I just had some plans to add more coral, Would this be a problem? I dont think I have to much, I have seen a bunch of tanks with alot more. I just figured I would ask before I run into problems.
Thank you all for your help
Li Mike



You are eventually going to have to worry about turf wars....
As time passes you will be able to tell what corals are doing well and which ones are not. This will help you thin the crowd.
Also look up coral compatibility and try to group the corals accordingly.
I am beginning to shy away from the "garden variety" type tank and am looking to concentrate on more geographically specific reef tanks.
I.E not mixing corals from the Pacific and Carribean
Great Looking tank btw
Originally Posted by calbert0
You are eventually going to have to worry about turf wars....
As time passes you will be able to tell what corals are doing well and which ones are not. This will help you thin the crowd.
Also look up coral compatibility and try to group the corals accordingly.
I am beginning to shy away from the "garden variety" type tank and am looking to concentrate on more geographically specific reef tanks.
I.E not mixing corals from the Pacific and Carribean
Great Looking tank btw
Hi, Thank you for your response. Yes, Thats what I figured. As they grow I will have to move them around, I am always in the tank LOL. I have to get rid of some of the kenya trees, they seem to pop up more and more everyday. I have a 140 tank that I am working on the rock now. I can always put some of the coral as the time goes on in that tank.
Thank you again and thank you for the nice words.
Li Mike


Well-Known Member

I love the rock work...Great cave!
As long as you give your coral room to grow there should be no problem. I wouldn't move a happy coral from a spot where it is doing well. So once established I don't move them around.
No matter what, eventually we all have to frag the coral and trim things back. Make sure to run carbon and keep it changed, so there are no chemical wars.
Thank you all for your nice words, I really appreciate all you help. It really makes me feel better hearing that it all looks OK. I love this hobby, I certainly wouldn't want to stress or hurt any fish or coral because I love looking at them. I will be sure to frag them when they start to crowd.
Thank you all again,
Li Mike


I think you already got the answers you were looking for, but just wanted to stop by and say that the tank looks great! You've put a lot of work into it recently.
I bet I can name which stores each coral in that tank came from, LOL.
Originally Posted by BTLDreef
I think you already got the answers you were looking for, but just wanted to stop by and say that the tank looks great! You've put a lot of work into it recently.
I bet I can name which stores each coral in that tank came from, LOL.
Yes, I am sure you can
To be honest, I am kinda limited on how far I can go. I always have my daughters with me, they do well on long drives (my little one anyway, are we there yet)
I did go to tropical Island yesterday for the first time, what a nice store and Michael was a great guy. I bought the vortech MP40w wave maker, man I love that thing. I hooked it up last night, what a difference!
Thank you for the nice words about my tank, Yours looks awesome! I am always going back looking at your pictures posted, Very nice!


Originally Posted by longislandmike
Yes, I am sure you can
To be honest, I am kinda limited on how far I can go. I always have my daughters with me, they do well on long drives (my little one anyway, are we there yet)
I did go to tropical Island yesterday for the first time, what a nice store and Michael was a great guy. I bought the vortech MP40w wave maker, man I love that thing. I hooked it up last night, what a difference!
Thank you for the nice words about my tank, Yours looks awesome! I am always going back looking at your pictures posted, Very nice!
Tropical Island is a great store. My birthday is this weekend and Mark already knows we will be making a trip there!
We also have the Vortech Mp40w, LOVE IT! My mandarin rides the waves, I have to try to get a video of it.
WOW!!!! Happy Birthday
I told Michael from TI you sent me there, When you go mention it.
Yes, I love the wave maker, what a difference. The fish seem to love it, its seems so much more natural. Yes, I would love to see a video of it, Keep me posted.
I hope you have a wonderful birthday!


Active Member
Awesome tank! And I know you can add some big 'ole HOB filters with carbon in them to help filter out the chemicals caused in the coral turf wars, it'll keep them healthier and you can probably get away with putting more closer together like that.
Hi, Thank you for the nice words about my tank, It is very nice to hear.
Also Thank you for the heads up on the filters, I think I will go ahead and do that.
Thank you all again
Li Mike