Can you help solve the mystery?!?!


I have blue faced angel. He has had some scale loss but not much. I assumed it was some what normal from the rock work. Then About 10 days later i found my blue face stuck under a rock missing his left fin. He has a 1/4 inch hole in him and is in bad shape and will most certainly die. What i want to know it whether it is a result of wasting disease or that he got stuck under the rock. All tank perameters are perfect and 15% water change every 2 weeks. Salfin tang, green chromis, common clown, sixline wrasse, cleaner shrimp, emerald crab are also in the tank. Can you help me determine what my blue faced died of?


Well-Known Member
If the angel was added after the tank, perhaps the tang harrassed it. At any rate it probably went under the rock because it was sick and needed protection.


Is it possible that the emerald crab may have attacked my blue face. I think he might be a little big for the crab. I figured if he went for any fish he'd go for the chromis.