Can you keep two different types of Clowns together

I have heard that you can not keep 2 different types of clowns together, but somebody told me today that in a large enough tank its not a problem. I have a 240 Gallon tank.. Thanks, Justin


i have a tomatoe clown and a put a smaller maroon clown in..the tamatoe nipped and pestered the maroon until i had to put the tamatoe in another didnt get alone.. <img src="graemlins//dead.gif" border="0" alt="[dead]" />


Agreed...its hit or miss. Your best bet is to introduce them together, and obtain specimens that are similar in size. Let us know how it goes!


Active Member
I wouldn't do it with a tomato clown though. Ever since his anenome split and he takes care of both of them he thinks about 1/3 of the tank belongs to him. Ours even bit my husband tonight and it's been chasing and nipping at the new sixline wrasse. From what I've read they are the most aggressive of the clowns.IMO/E :(


I have a large sized maroon and two small sebaes in a 90 reef. Everyone gets along. They have been set up this way for about a month.The maroon was in the tank for two weeks before the sebaes were added. So I guess its a hit or miss as mentioned before.

richard rendos

Active Member
wamp has a 180 with a maroon and a oscellaris. They don't bother each other. Now if I put my hand sized female maroon in there with his, they would not last long. She can be quite aggresive. Guess it depends on the size tank, the types and sizes of clowns, and luck.


Active Member
Oh yeah rendos.... well my daddy can beat up your daddy.... :)
Bring the fish on over... I'll bet my clown will handle yours quite nicely!
Mine got alog fine.. They both had corners to go to and were put in at the same time.


I've found that some clowns are okay with any kinds of clowns. As far as maroons go, they are a whole different genera of clown fish and are more aggressive. Clowns are odd though I've had my ocellaris for quite some time with no anemone. I put a Haitian in there about a week ago and he wont leave it. When my Queen Angel or Purple Tang even go near it he gets pretty mad and defensive towards them. It all depends on the fish really.


in my 90g I have 2 maroon and 2 clark clowns the big female maroon runs the tank jumping between the 3 anenomies I have they all just get out of her way. I'm lucky like everybody has said it is hit-or-miss