can you make live sand from...


New Member
My family recently got back from florida and brought me a 5 gallon or so bucket of white florida beach sand. I was wondering if i could mix this (after washing it through several times) with a bag or 2 of livesand from a lps or an online shop and hopefully get a big mixture of livesand. or am i just missing the point at what live sand is? I'm assuming it would probably have to sit together for while. possibly under lighting?
thanks for any info.


Active Member
first off, rinsing it would probably remove the lve bacteria, unless you use sw, and it stays wet, but one big point, is pollution, our waters are highly polluted, and i would not add anything from any of our coastal beaches here in the USA, ther could be any number of contaminants in it
that you would not want near your tank