Originally Posted by
just because you can do something doesnt mean you should.
eg I can go drive 120 MPH on the highway on my motorcycle, that doesnt make it a good idea.
the ethical reasons not do do this are fairly obvious to me. and this is how I see them. now remember before anyone goes up in arms this is just my opinion.
the whole Idea of fish keeping is to replicate as natural an environment as possible, this is completely unnatural, and every other ethical idea stems from that statement.
the osmoregulatory process in fish is affected by the salinity of the water, fish derived from lower salinity waters require more energy to osmoregulate in higher salinity water, causeing them to expend energy that would normally be used for growth etc. to simply osmoregulate.
bacteria germs and virus all mutate, some more rapidly than others when exposed to unnatural phenomena, this could in theory force mutation in various diseases causing more hardy strains of common illnesses (kind of a stretch but possible) and even mutate new disease that cross phylum with impunity.
I personally do not feel this should be a reccomended form of fish keeping and probably shouldnt even be done by practiced scientests. I feel its thouroughly unethical. and I agree with SCSI I think it looks dumb.
but thats just my 2 pennies worth.