can you mix snails and crabs?


Originally Posted by wingzfan
I did and the crabs just killed the snails for their shells.
I've had scarlet hermits do that to my turbo snails too, but I have green leg hermits now that don't bother the snails. I haven't had trouble with the red legs either, only the scarlets.


Well-Known Member
Just make sure you have enough empty shells for your hermits to change into. Personally, I wouldn't buy any turbo's. They keep knocking stuff down if you don't use epoxy.
Also, make sure that the hermits, (even though they do clean up after everything) has enough to eat in the aquarium.


i agree with snakeblitz33, just put a couple extra snails in. If you dont do that, make sure that the size of the shells that the crabs desire are not the same size of the snails in your tank, otherwise they will kill them. Its hit or miss, but most of the time it works out fine if you have extra shells.