can you over feed a shark

ok my leopard is doing really good eating like crazy but today i feed him squid and he ate so much he is swimming really slow but seems to be breathing good and he still swims around but very fat and the eel takes a while toeat but i,am wondering if he will still try to eayt the rest of the squid this might be a dumb question but i thought i would ask :cool:


Don't know if you can over feed them, but there is no need to give them so much that you think you are over feeding. For instance, I feed my Nurse about 4 large Silversides every other day. He'd eat 24 more, but I dont put them in. Also, putting too much food in your tank will make your Nitrates rise, you dont want that. Atleast you know he's healthy and eating.
well he is doing good he didn,t go after the other food my eel ate it .i guess i,am like a new parent worry about dumb things ,lol .but it is fun when he eats he goes into a feeding frenzy and shakes the food up real good :cool:


you dont want to over feed your leopard becuase your nitrates will go through the roof and he will outgrow your tank faster.. do you have a picture of your tank?
will have some soon i promise soon i got him from a store that only got 2 of them and he said that he doubts he would have more .but when you see the pics he is in with a big eel .i want a banded cat shark next :D


Saltfisher - Do you have pictures of your tank? How big is the tank that you have your two sharks in? What do you have for lighting on that tank?
clowntrigger2k - Do you have pictures of your tank? How big is it?
splash1914 - I saw the pictures of your tank I was curious to know more details about it. How much LR do you have? Lighting? Filtration?
Send me pictures and anything else to


I just upgraded to my current tank. I have not taken any new pics yet. I have pics of the sharks in the old tank. The tank is a 180 and I have two lights called "Reef Sun". They are not expensive or special. Here are the pics.
Nurse 1st. This is the pic I had the person I bought him from send me.