can you overskim your tank?


New Member
Is there such a thing as overskimming? I am considering protein skimmers for my 180 gallon tank and I have read that manufacturers overrate their skimmers. Companies like Euroreef have such wide gallonage ranges for their skimmers and they overlap so much, it's hard to know which one to get.


skimming removes biological waste from the water. le less waste you have, the better your water, if theres nothing to skim, the skimmer wont remove anything, so if you are turning the skimmer off, while its foaming away, then you shouldnt be.


Active Member
Yes, skimming removes all organic matter in cluding planktonic food. In a reef tank that has many filter feeders(worms, gorgians, clams, soft corals etc.) this can be detrimental to them since they may not get enough food.
It depends on what is in the tank and what the feeding requirements are.


I have been reading on message boards etc.,
that there is somewhat of a movement if you want to call it that, away from using skimmers in a reef tank for the very reason BurnSPy has stated.


I have seen many reef tanks thrive for years without ever using a skimmer, and some were the most beautiful I have ever seen. Granted I have not been in the hobby for that long, but some experts say use a skimmer, and others dont. I think it depends on the number of fish and such you have in the tank. If you have a lot, dont do water changes or cleaning I would probably say get a skimmer, otherwise leave it alone :)


Active Member
The best solution to this problem that I have seen is to put your skimmer on a timer and just skim at night. That way the planktonic food that BnS talked about stays in the tank longer. Granted, there are some critters that sift for their food at night, but I think more will be present if you only skim part of the day. Just my humble .02.
Take care,
Dan'l :D


I wouldn't worry about overskiming if you have fish and feed everyday. I skim heavy feed good foods I have mass tube worms spawnig 3 typrs of snails breeding. But each system is different. Not a 4' skimmer on a 20g tank maybe but it's easier to have a larger skimmer in the beginning and then skim less if needed then to have a small one and need more skimming.
[ August 08, 2001: Message edited by: Ironreef ]


New Member
As IronReef said...each system is different. Some systems can survive and actually thrve without a skimmer. While others need heavy skimming. The common thread that I have seen amongst these systems is waste removal. Something has to remove the waste, whether it is a skimmer or a refugium. The waste has to go somewhere. I tend to overskim, but I like to feed my fish heavily. A fat fish is a healthy fish...(although a fat person is unhealthy...oh the irony) LMAO
Anyway....if your tank is on the high end of a skimmer scale, choose the next size up. If in the middle to lower half then the skimmer should be fine....unless it is way over rated. And we all know companies like to do that. Good luck HTH