Can you pair Maroons?


Yes. I think its best to have a distinct size difference between the two if possible. My LFS gets them in from time to time, and they are almost always a 4" maroon and a 2" maroon.


I bought two maroons at the same time. They were probably about a half inch at the time. They paired up, now one is about three inches and the other is about one and a half inches. It took a couple of months but they paired up and are now hosting a LTA. The larger one is becoming quite aggressive to the other fish in the tank but she gets along fine with the smaller male. I think the maroons are pretty but they are becoming quite aggressive as they are getting older


Active Member
You should probably add them at the same time. I tried adding a smaller GSM after i had the larger for several months. I had to take it out because the larger one darn near killed the little guy.


My two were added seperately and they did fine. The one I had was about 3 inches or so and the new one was about 1.5". She showed him who's boss right away!!! Then they were the best of buddies. Occasionally she harmlessly bullies him. Now big deal though. She has never even tried to hurt him. Get drastically different sized ones and you prolly will be fine.


You are best to buy them already paired up from the store. If not buy one 2-3 inch one and one about 1". They are very aggressive. Also if you have any other fish in your tank be careful because they get very very aggressive. Good luck