can you put 2 maroon clown together?


Active Member
can i add another 4 to 5 inches maroon clown with this list
snowflake 24"
lion fish 6" to 8"
clown trigger 3 "
niger trigger 5"
yellow tang 4" and 6"
powder blue tang 6"
maroon gold stripehclown 3 1/2 "
harlequin tusk 5"
lunare wrasse 5"
dragon wrasse 6"
porcupine puffer 5"
toby puffer 5"
2 hermit crab 1 1/2 "
on 4'wide x 3'depth x 30" high in wall tank
or get a emperor angel con's very expensive and i have no experience with this large angel my first choice before...
or miniatus grouper for extra red color and hardiness...and a humu humu trigger for my last(hopefully)? any suggestion...


Active Member
you will definatly need to narrow your list down you have picked some very incompatable species I will try to help you out wht what i do know about these fish
(1)snowflake 24">yes with lots of rock to hid in
(2)lion fish 6" to 8">yes with somewhat larger fish species, if it fits in his mouth he will eat it..
(3)clown trigger 3 ">you should pick 1 trigger they are very territorial fish do not live well together caution will nip at lion
niger trigger 5">same as above
(4)yellow tang 4" and 6">yes
(5)powder blue tang 6">yes
(6)maroon gold stripehclown 3 1/2 "yes if not to small for lion to eat.and yes you can keep up to 2 maroons together .make sure if not a mated pair when purchased add larger clown if you try to add smaller there will be agression
(7)harlequin tusk 5"I have not owned this fish but from what I have heard they are very agressive major caution
(8)lunare wrasse 5">wrasses do not make good comunity fish if you realy have to keep one select just one they are highly agressive do not take to other like species well
(9)dragon wrasse 6"
(10)porcupine puffer 5">yes should be fine as no one bothers him
(11)toby puffer 5" >iffy
2 hermit crab 1 1/2 >"not with trigger, puffer or wrasses
(12)emperor angel >yes.but I dont have any angels to use as reference
(13)miniatus grouper>yes
my biggest suggestion here is to cut this list in half most of these species get very large and very territorial they will normally do well with other species to a point if not enough room you will have agression not to mention the bioload on your tank.this is the best from my knowledge.I hope this helps


Active Member
i already have them for a while...i just want add 1 more...i want 1 more red or something different....


Active Member
That really is a lot of fish for a 225 gallon tank...Especially being only 4'X3'....
I'd suggest holding off on any more additions, and see how these play out...


If they are still small there probably wont be much aggression towards each other but when they get bigger.... Best of luck...


Active Member
yes but that's the height inside of the tank.not including the .76" top and .76" bottom height.


Active Member
anyway.. guys i think i have an ick but my fish are doing well.. i see it more on the powder blue and some my harlequin but they eating and very active for a while now since a notice it.. somebody said to me just leave it alone..should i its been 3 weeks or more already . some thinks its a just a pods. what do you guys think?

shark bait

Pull the power blue, they are the more difficult of the tangs and also get ich alot more due to the fact any slight temp change ph or chemical change sets of ich. You need to act fast. With your fish load you might have to pull all the rock, ad a filter and hypo the tank, Un less you have a huge qt tank. Man I hope you don't have ich. It will not be a fun venture. But you should post pics so we can help you out and maybe prevent a nightmare.


Active Member
i still have the 120 gallon tank but do i have to pull them out?.. will the live rock dies? :notsure: :help:

shark bait

ich will host in live rock only when it is in the free floating stage. This is when it then looks for a fish. Aan if their are no fish it dies. It take 2-3 weeks to rid a tank of ich. Only is no fish are in it. Also hypo the qt, not the main it will kill the live rock. Read the post BETH put up.