can you seed south down


Reading another thread I was woundering if I was able to remove my CC and add south down (play sand) with out any problems. Also is there a way of seeding it to become LS? I have a 55gal with CC and about 10lbs of LR (will be add move in the future) 6 Damsels 5 emerald crabs 2 hermets 2 mexican turbos. All levels are in good shape.
Thanks in advance

nm reef

Active Member
Sure you can seed southdown....matter of fact if your CC is mature you can put it in panty hose and place it on top of the newly placed southdown...the life in the CC will seed the southdown.
How long has you 55 with CC been set-up? If it is cycled and stable you could seed the new southdown with your current CC.If you have a new system then over time the LR will seed the southdown....or you could add a bag or 2 of LS to speed the process... :cool:


its been up now for about 2 months I'm getting a large alge bloom and the CC is turning brown. But thats not the reason for putting in the sand I want to keep some inverts like stars and some more snails and someone else told me that the rough edges of the CC and the weight of it is hard fro the some inverts to live on.