Canadian Sites?


New Member
Ugg i am trying to find a site that will ship to canada, trying to get live sand... i manage to find one that sells live rock/fish that is within my area but no sand... does anyone know any sites that do ship to canada (British Columbia).... i love the stuff on this site if only i lived in the states haha but if you can help me leme know! thanks!

al mc

Active Member
Did you try googling the words 'Big Al'. You may find the info you are looking for as they have outlets in Canada and since I just checked, they do have live sand.


New Member
As a complete random guess try googling "canada salt water equipment" i'm sure the first website you come arcoss will have everything you need.


New Member
British Columbia (Up northish) an ok ill check out bigals o_O last time i checked they didnt ship to canada hehe =(


Active Member
I personally would look for a local reef club. All you really need is some "dead sand" (play sand, other dry sand from the LFS) and a cup from a fellow hobbyist to seed it. Or just have dead sand and some live rock. In time it will become live.
I wouldn't go through great hardship to find bagged "live sand."


Active Member
Hiya, i'm in BC too
Big Al's has a canadian site and locations in Richmond and Surrey (Vancouver) but you might pay a whole lot for shipping on an item that heavy. know anyone going out that way?


Buy the dry sand, get good live rock, and introduce sand from someone elses tank. If you can get just a cup from 2 to 4 tank it will increase the biodiversity within the sand as well as the genetic diverity of the populations of bacteria and small inverts.