Candy cane coral dieing

My candy cane coral looks like it's dieing. The centers are still a little flourescent green but the edges are turning into what appears to be a hard, white substance. Ammonia and nitrites are 0, nitrates have gone from 20 to 5 in the last few days after I added a sump and refugium. It's a 55 gallon tank with 440 watts vho, 2 daylight and 2 actnic lamps. The temp is about 79 degrees and the calcium level is right around 400.
What can I do to save this guy?


Active Member
Do you ever feed them at night when their tentacles come out? I started feeding mine once or twice a week and I can already see growth of the skin down the skeleton. You may want to try and feed them brine shrimp or finely chopped up krill.


Active Member
I agree try directly feeding it some small brine shrimp right into the middle of each head. Here is a pic of mine doing pretty good.