Candy Coral Question... And yes, it's n00btastic


Active Member
Alright.. dumb questions...
I just picked up some candy coral the other day... They're three little stalks on a really nice piece of LR (the main reason I bought it, haha).
Anyway, I read on here they're difficult to maintain and I don't quite believe that.
I'm assuming these guys aren't filter feeders... So would I use the basic double shot for spot feeding (squirt some mysis to open it up then again to feed it)?
And for a hard coral, I'm not expecting anything shocking in terms of growth, but in said terms, how do they do?


First of all, ARE you sure it is caulestra? If so, they are NOT hard to keep or to keep flourishing. Mine has doubled in heads at least twice a year, and doubled in height once a year. Don't worry about spot feeding it much, maybe once every couple of weeks, as they are very efficient at pulling nutrients and such out of the water. The feeding part you said is totally true, but dont do it every day or every other day, as they will most likely open EVERY time you feed your fish, and every night. Just make sure they are in low to moderate flow and low to moderate to even high (if acclimation is SLOW) light. You want another blue frag? I have one that needs to move. 10 bux plus shipping.


Active Member
A buddy of mine at the LFS said they are caulestra, so yeah, I'm pretty sure (I don't think he'd screw me to make a sale like some of the other guys there who seem to take the concept of sales integrity with a grain of sand).
And do you have any pics of your frag?
If so, I might be interested...