candycane question

A good friend of mine gave me a candycane frag 6 months ago as a gift(I lost most of it due to the move). After these months the frag has survived, but today I noticed that the alive pieces of the frag were falling off onto my LR. They look healthy.... my question is.. is this normal or should I be concerned??? I posted a b4 and after pic, and only a couple parts have fell off. And like I said b4 that the coral has grown back the past couple weeks!!!! Thanks for advice!!!!



Active Member
doesnt look good. looks like its dying. did the temp rise or did you change the flow/ anything else in the tank? have you been feeding it?


Originally Posted by MichaelTX
is the second pic the before picture??
there was 1 head on my 30head candy cane that didn't even have the flesh on it when I bought the coral.
A month later, the head grew new flesh and now growning normally like the rest. That was only when the tank is prestine, Calcium is right and MHs, good flow.
In your case, the coral looks like it's dying slowly due to the condition of the tank. that last bit of that coral can be brought back to live only if you have correct the tank condition or give it to someone who really has a reef condition kind of tank.
good luck


Active Member
Yeah, that's not what a candy cane is supposed to look like. Post all of your water parameters, like EVERYTHING! We'll see if something looks wrong. Any chance something has been stinging him? Who are his neighbors?


I am still wandering which is the before pic. The reason I ask is that the last pic doesnt have as much algae on the glass and there are more corals in the forst pic than the second if I look at just the candy then I have to agree but looking at both I think the pics are reversed and the top is the newer picture of it.


Active Member
True, but algae could have grown back and corals moved, so I didn't assume anything. Either picture doesn't look good, the rocks just look really dirty, like there are some serious water quality issues, so there may be a more deep rooted problem we need to solve.
As I said b4 the second pic is of it coming back it has doubled in size(those little tiny pieces have doubled, and I haven't got a pic of it since) When he put it in there, thats when it deteiorated. It is not dying now and is coming back I just wanted to know if I should be concerned about healthy pieces(that ARE growing)falling off the frag onto other rocks
Im sorry first pic is the most rescent one..... My parameters are not the issue, I do weekly water changes as well.... the only thing that maybe is a factor is new placment in the tank, but up until yesterday It was growing quite nice. Just need to know if I need to do anything with the piece that fell onto my lr. I know its hard to see what Im talking about without a pic,but the wife has the camera
Sorry....... I forgot, the most recent pic of the candycane is over 4 months old, tank looks nothin like that now and I dont have that colt either


Active Member
lol you have given like 4 contradicting answers as to which pic is most recent.
answer this: is it the pic where it looks half dead, or where it looks alive and well?
either way if you say it is coming back and are curious about heads touching rock, i think it might irritate the soft tissue a little bit but the coral will eventually grow around it. a bunch of my candy cane heads touch rock.


New Member
sorry for stepping on someone elses thread. but i was curious as to what conditions the candycane needs and what its diet is.
the most recent pic is the one where it looks healthy. As soon as a can get my camera, I will take a pic to show you what im talking about. It almost looks like a piece fell off the existing skelatal rock the it was on and attached itself to a piece of my lr????? It has been there for over a week and still acts as it always had!!