I have a 30 gal. eclipse tank with a purple tang, flame angel and a baby trigger. I'm plannin got put some LR on it. Would it be better if I also use a canister filter for this tank? Please advise. Thanks
I know your question is not about this,and not intending to flame you...but a purple tang and a trigger...no matter how small should not be kept in a 30 gal. tank.
Canister filters are nitrate traps.
Thanks fo rthe warnign about compatibility. Actually, I'm starting to look for a bigger tank.
About the canister filters, are you referring to all of them or just a particular brand?
Yes,all canister filters are nitrate traps.Filters are'nt necessary as long as you have a good amount of LR and LS...along with a good skimmer.This and doing regular WC's and keeping bio-load low,and you should'nt have any problems.