Canister filter opinions please...


Active Member
Hey All, I would like to upgrade my emperor filter to something. I am tired of the HOB.
and I really dont need the biowheels. I have a 75g with approx 90lbs of live rock, and a skimmer. I have read many threads on filters.
What do you all think of the canister filters in general? No bio balls though right? I have been told that they are nitrate factories. Some come with built in sterilizers, etc. So, would a canister filter be the way to go? I also thought about a sump, but on a 75 gal, I'd rather not. Atleast not until I can upgrade to a 125 or larger. Thanks.


Active Member
If you've got enough flow in the tank from powerheads you dont even need a mechanical filter if you dont want to use one.