Canister filter-What good is it? Can I remove all media at once or in increments?


Ok, been in this hobby for about 5 months and have learned a lot, but not enough. Basically I walked into the 2 lfs and followed their advice(My 1st mistake) and bought what they recommended. I assumed that since they both recommended the Fluval 405 it must be a good form of filtration. I have since learned about protein skimmers and lr.
My question is should I just remove the carbon and bio rings in the canister and just use it as a really expensive pump or should I continue to use it as additional filtration?

The bio rings make no sense to me. The company recommends partially changing the bio rings every month so that the old seed the bio growth in the new rings. However, I still can't help feeling that they really don't need to be changed at all and that this is just a marketing scheme to sell more bio rings.
Should I get rid of all the media (carbon and bio balls)? If so do I need to do it slowly, or can I do it all at once?


Active Member
I've read that a lot of people just use any media of their choice in their canisters. Micron filters can be washed a few times before needing replaced. Not sure of the bio rings but a lot of people wash some of their bioballs periodically to prevent the accumulation of nutrients. Do you have a lot of live rock? If so you probably don't need the biorings at all. If not then they house your beneficial bacteria and if you wash or replace all of them you will lose most of your bacteria.


I currently use an Eheim 2080 on my saltwater tank that i had from my freshwater days and its basically a expensive powerhead. I currently run a micron type bag filter filled with phosolock (to remove phosphates) and another bag full of carbon in my canister filter and would suggest the same. those both need to have water forced through them to work effeciently and canister filters do just that.
I also have 2 different filters pads in my filter which i clean monthly.
if you have any questions let me know because i know the majority of people will tell you to trash it, but i figure since you already have it you might as well use it as best as you can.
I have owned Fluvals for 5 years. One in my Fresh 29g and one in my fresh 10g. My sister also uses one in her 75g fresh. I love them but only in fresh. The bio rings are stupid. They came with my fluvals and they are kinda a pain. The rings start to go bad and get cloged with matter therefor needing to be half replaced to keep some of the good bacteria in it. This makes it easier for bacteria to continue instead of starting all over again. I have used every kind of filter media in my fluvals that they offer. The only ones i use now are carbon, foam, and prefilter tube things. I replace half of the stuff every 6 months. BUT i also use a Eclipse power filter too. Fluval is a hit or miss, you either like them or dont. I love them. I wouldnt use it for salt tho, but you could but lr in it or alge but there is no light which would make it useless so its up to you. You could just use it for water flow..... I have an extra one and thought about using it on my saltwater tank but just got an eclipse for it instead. I would try to use it there are plenty of ways to use it. Just use the Foam pads, but there are these new polishing pads which are a great idea but need to be replaced and cleaned a lot. Kind of a pain.... Good luck


Does any one know if it is OK to remove ALL the media at once or does it have to be done in stages? I think I read somewhere that both the carbon and the bio rings must be removed in small increments so as to not upset the system.
I know I've recently read that the constant use of carbon can cause HLLE. So, I would like to remove it and see how things look.
Do any of you creative folks have any ideas or plans for converting a canister filter for the use of a power head---or any other use. Any possibility of routing the return to several different areas of the tank. ( the flow rate is 300 gph)
I would really like to get some use of this since it is only 5 months old and I paid $180 for it.
Live rock can not be kept in here since there is no light , correct?


i havn't heard about removing it in stages, but for the bio rings i can understand because the system is established on a set amount of bacteria and if you take away a large portion it can throw things out of whack until it catches up. The carbon i would say doesnt matter since Carbon really doesnt do much for a tank in the filtration aspect. Its main purpose is to make the water clear and appealing to the eye (if i understand things correctly)
you could do what your wanting w/ routing the output around the tank by cutting the output and putting in a splitter of some sort. then attach tubing to that and run it wherever in the tank, but with an output of 300 i dont know how much benefit that would give you.
Live rock doesnt need light to perform its function so it can be kept in there, but why? i personally feel if your paying such a large price tag for rock that turns into nice purples and has all sorts of little things growing on it why hide it? unless you have extra which in that case send me a message and i'll buy it! :)
It is suppose to be done in stages.... But I dont do my carbon in stages, and my fish have been alive for almost 4 years.....


Active Member
You can take the carbon out all at once and put new in if you want to. I run carbon about once every two months for a week or two at a time. As for the rings you should remove them in stages. A little at a time over a two week period. That being said do you have Live Rock in your tank? How much if so and how big of a tank? The answer will help to determine whether or not you need the bio media or not.


Currently I have a 60 Gallon with about 36 pounds lr and 50# cc. and a seaclone skimmer
1 False perc
1 royal gramma
5 hermits
5 snails
I'm about to get another 20-25 # of lr and hope to replace the cc coral with sand. (Probably not ls)
My theory is that if I add the additional lr at the same time that I remove the bio rings or remove the cc it should basically balance out the system and not throw it out of whack.
Does anyone agree with this theory or am I just wishful thinking? Will I have a mini-cycle? :notsure:


you will have a mini-cycle becaue the bio-rings have the bacteria growing already as the LR will have nothing and will take a little bit to replace what the bio-rings had.
I can only speak from my experiance, but on my 55 gallon i have 100lbs of LR and 40 lbs of LS and had the ehiem version of bio-rings going and i just took them all out at once. I didnt experiance any changes in my parameters from the change.