Canister Filter


New Member
I heard that canister filters can be nitrate factories and I should take the foam out. I have a Fluval 304 running on my 40 gallon reef (only inverts right now). What should I put in the canister? Carbon? Please help.


I would also like to know the answer to this one - a free bump back to the top for you csufman :D
Ive got a smallish Eheim Ecco that runs through my UV - at the moment its just got a prefilter, then a phosphate sponge, and finally some regular sponge at the bottom - which I agree should probably be removed. Im thinking of just keeping the phosphate sponge and adding a polyfilter or something ?


New Member
yes, canister filter can be convert into a denitrator to eliminate the no3 in the system. I trying to convert the thing right now and i don't if it's working. i need to wait and see and if i am success i will post in the next reply.