Canister spray bar, can it be submerged vertically??


New Member
I've got a 2213 canister in my 29 gal. FOWLR.
Keeping the spray bar at the top of the tank to help in air diffusion causes a decent amount of salt creep on my tank top and light fixture when the water level drops a bit.
I'm wondering if putting the spray bar in like a back corner of the tank vertically (hope this makes sense) just to help in circulation would be a good idea...I don't think my fish are needing the air that comes from the spray bar churning the water at the surface.
The only concern I can think of would be that the submerged spray bar might impede/hinder the canister impeller from the increased pressure and cause it to fail. Then again the 2213 is built for tanks up to 60G so maybe it is strong enough to handle this.
Anyone see any issues with this setup?


Active Member
i have that same filter- the spray bar can go wherever- mine is about 3 inches under the surfave - horiz or vert mounting is ok


Active Member
You can put it under or above. If you put above it could cause some splashing leaving salt creep, but if you keep that wiped down you should be fine...


i have the exact same filter, and it's vertical in the back corner, opposite of the intake of course andt it seems to work just fine for me.


New Member
Awesome, thanks for all the replies.
I'm gonna switch out the "too bright Eheim" tubing/spraybar with black (to blend in better to the back of my tank) tubing and then go ahead and place the spray bar in a discrete location. not sure whether I'll have it vert or horiz yet, but I'll definitely have it submerged to lessen the salt creep and noise.