Canister vs. Powerfilters


I use two Penguin 350 power filters for my 55 gallon. Along with two MaxiJet 600s I think I have pretty good flow.
People have argued that canister is the only way to go, but I think they can be more of an issue when it comes to cleaning and maintenance. Others say sump, but they cost WAY too much and I looked into a simple 20g sump made out of an old aquarium, but it wouldn't fit under the stand. A 10g would be the only size I think that would fit, but I don't want to have to worry about overflowing or the price of the pump, plumbing, an overflow box, etc.
Anyway, I wanted to hear what others thought...


I agree with your assessment. I like the penguin/emperor filters better than a cannister for ease of cleaning and getting replacement media. They are easy to run carbon, phosphate remover, poly pad or whatever you need. The easier the better for me. I don't use them so much for their filter ability but just a palce to run media and provide flow. I use LR and LS as a filter. Technically, the cannister might do a better job but if it's harder to clean and replace media then I won't do it as often. A sump won't really filter or clean anything (unless you add filter socks or media somewhere). A sump just provides a place to put skimmers, UV's, heaters, a place to add suppliments like calcium/alk, etc. So just swapping your Penguins for a sump in and of itself won't do much for filtering. I'd say if your happy with the look of the tank and all the stuff hanging on the back then stay as is. If you want a place to hide everything go sump. Yes, there is some risk of overflowing but properly set up it shouldn't happen. Also, the return from the sump will provide flow so that you may eliminate a filter.


New Member
I am currently in the long process of making a sump/refug. found some good info off the web. so far I spent 11 dollars for the buckets that came with cat litter for my cats. all I need now is the return pump. I have an old rubber tub sitting around.


Active Member
If you could not run a sump, I would also agree that a Marineland hang-on-the back filter is the way to go (due to being so easy to clean).
In all reality, the type of filter really does not matter as long as it is easy to use and moves water. Live rock is the main filtration of any set-up.