Canister VS Wetdry


New Member
I'm setting up a 29 GAL reef system...
Wondering to either go with a Wet/dry, Or perhaps a XP1 FilStar Canister Filter..
Anyone have experience with these models, or any views on which to use.
Go with a wet/dry because when you use a canister filter, your going to have to take out the water, drain it out completely, take out the foam, all the media, and such, and while doing that, your also taking out beneificial (sp?) bacteria. I think? Well don't only listen to me, wait until more advice comes, I'm just telling you my side:D


Active Member
between two i would choose wet/dry. Wet/dry is more powerfull filtration system as it has best contact between air and water. You need oxygen for your system. Bacteria in wet/dry has oxygen rich water (that's what this bacteria needs) and the same oxygen rich water enters the main tank. Oxygen is the enemy of undesired filamentous algae.


I'd have to say a wet/dry + bio balls will out preform a canister, and is easier to maintain. Provides highly oxygenated water, very efficiant and breaking down ammonia and nitrites and with proper maintenance will not be a nitrate factory. A wet dry would be able to maintain a higher bio load.


Active Member
While I like the efficiency of a wet/dry and it's obviously superior in the amount of load it can handle, there is the problem of getting water to the wet/dry. I say if you're predrilled or RR then wet/dry. Adding a hang on overflow to a 29 would take up a lot of room. In that case I'd go with a canister. I use an Eheim Pro II on my 46 and it does an outstanding job.
Good Luck!