Canister wont start


I have a cascade canister 700, by penn plax never had a problem with it until now, I was changing filter pads and phosphate remover. I shut it down correctly, changed media, primed, pluged it in, and no noise, no water movement no nothing. I took the impeller out and cleaned the whole thing completely, nothing. What do I do guys!
50B - reef
cascade 700
aqua c remora
koriala 1


Hit it with your Aqua C remora ! Just kidding. Make sure you have power at the plug. You would be suprised how many times it is just that easy. Try a different outlet.
Try to run the impeller, very briefly, while not attached to the can. Did you also clean the guides that the impeller set in?
check power, unassemble and re-assemble,


Well, I got it working again, I took it apart, still completely clean and pluged it in with the top off to see if the impeller was spinning, it wasnt, so I put the lid on primed it and pluged it in for kicks and still no dice, walked away forgetting I left it on and came back few minutes ago and it was working fine?
I guess ill have to keep a good eye on it.


Well, I got it working again, I took it apart, still completely clean and pluged it in with the top off to see if the impeller was spinning, it wasnt, so I put the lid on primed it and pluged it in for kicks and still no dice, walked away forgetting I left it on and came back few minutes ago and it was working fine?
I guess ill have to keep a good eye on it.


wondering if that can has an auto de gas. The fluval canisters have a 2 minute de gas cycle that stops the pump after the first few minutes you plug it in, and then for 2 minutes every 24 hours...


Never seen or herd of that before, my bet is it doesnt. But on the bright side its still working fine today.