cannister filter help


Active Member
What kind of canister filter is it?
If you can see that it's not full, then I'm betting it's a magnum, since they are the only ones with clear housings.
In most canisters, the water enters at the top and is pumped out from the bottom.
The way you solve this is to do the following:
1. Make sure the tank is full to the point where the return (to the tank) nozzle is submerged.
2. Shut the filter off.
3. Close both disconnect valves on the intake (or "IN") side of the filter (where water flows into the filter from the tank). Leave both valves on the output (or TO the tank) open.
4. Separate the closed valves so you have the "from the tank" hose hanging free.
5. Crack the disconnected valve on the filter just slightly. This will allow water to back siphon from the return nozzle back through the filter and will fill the canister, purging all of the air from the top through your open valve. When you see water rise to the top of the quick disconnect coupling, close the valve.
6. Reconnect and restart.


legend. thankyou you seem to be the only one to reply to my posts lol.
i've also decided on my final fish list
what u think?
huma huma
blue hippo tang
maroon clown
radiata lion
plus cleanup crew in the sump


Active Member
The fish list should be fine if the tank is large enough.
I don't know whether the Rena has two separatable disconnect valves, but what you should be able to do is lift the intake pipe out of the tank. Doing this should accomplish the same thing.


no they aren't seperated. i'll give it a go this arfternoon.
i did a levels test
and my ammonia is still 0.25 and trates and trite still on 0. will they jump up sometime soon? im the guy with the 1 piece of LR lol. should be getting some more this wed for my b/day


Active Member
You can if you want. It may take some time for it to go back down. You can also go to your LFS and ask for a cup of sand from their tanks, some rubble from their live rock tanks, or even a gallon of tank water to jump start it. Be sure they don't use copper in whatever system they give you this stuff from.