Cannister Filters


New Member
I have a 55 gallon with 2 clowns and an anemone. In the near future, getting ready to add some LR and other unknown fish. The tank has been set up for about 9 months, I do weekly water changes of 10 -15 %. I have a EHEIM Cannister filter and 2 power heads. I just ordered a skimmer which I will install on arrival. I can't get my nitrate level under 20. I read where cannister filters are nitrate factories. Is this true and can anyone suggest a different filter that won't cost an arm and a leg?


Active Member
The Can filter may or may not be the cause of the trates. If you keep the Can clean then it may be something else. You could always go with a sump system b/c IMO there are many advantages to a sump over a Can filter.
Between the Can and PHs how much flow do you have in the tank (GPH)?
What is your substrate, CC or sand? Do you have a clean-up crew? How much do you feed?
Your WCs are great but there is a problem with the trates. I run a 55 with a 15 gal sump, skimmer and no mechanical filtration. My trates are usually under 5.


I have a sump for sale, $120 shipped. Includes sump, overflow box, and bio balls. For an extra $30 I'll include a mag 3 return pump.


New Member
Thanks for the reply and welcome. The can produces some flow, not much. PH's are 620 each, CC for substrate, no clean up crew - have to get one, and I feed only hat they eat in 3-5 minutes, every other day.


Active Member
Are you vacuuming your CC when you do water changes? With out a clean up crew it may be the CC thats causeing the trates.


New Member
I do vacuum, probably not good enough. I'm getting a clean up crew this weekend, also just did a water change and did a thorough vaccum and cleaning. I'll do a water check later. I appreciate your help!