Canopy fan question


New Member
I am installing a fan into my hood and I am wondering what the most efficient way to install it is. Should I have the air be drawn over the lights, or do I want to reverse the air flow and have it exhaust out the side of the canopy? Which way would cool the lights (and the air around the bulbs) best, without drawing too much dust and particulate matter into the top of the tank? <img src="graemlins//confused.gif" border="0" alt="[confused]" />


Active Member
Eitheir way would work. It pulls or pushes the same amount of air either way. I have a vent on one side and my fan pulls air out of the canopy.

richy rich

Originally posted by wamp:
<strong>Eitheir way would work. It pulls or pushes the same amount of air either way. I have a vent on one side and my fan pulls air out of the canopy.</strong><hr></blockquote>I would pull the air out witch in fact would pull the heat and dust and everything else out from under the canopy. Rather than pushing it in the tank.


Active Member
You will pull dust in both ways... You have to have a vent on one side and the fan on the other. If you are worried about dust... You can put a screen (felt) on the vent side. That is how my canopy came. I removed the filter to allow more flow through.
It will be the same airflow both ways. I guarantee it. If you blow in cold air or suck in cold air. Both the same. I prefer the fan to suck the air out because it easier for me to remove that way... (it mounts easier that way)
Good Luck

richy rich

If you want to cool off from a fan you point it at you dont you? you dont face it the other way and try to suck the heat off ya.Its just like putting a fan in the window trying to pull some heat out of your house. So pushing and pulling are not the same after all...................


New Member
Rich, you can pull heat away and get a positive effect also. Ever seen a heatsink or exhaust fan on a computer? They pull heat away, rather than trying to push air over the intended piece. Because if you are pushing warm or hot air over the bulbs, you aren't doing much to cool the air around them....