canopy fans


Active Member
within the last week i just put my new canopy on with 400W of PC over my 100g tank....
i noticed the temp would rise so i ended up cutting out 2 holes one on both end of the canopy and putting 2 3" PCU cooling fans to blow outside air into the canopy
i was wondering if that would generate enough air flow to cool the inside of the canopy during the summer months since i live in So. Cali it gets warm out here
if anybody can tell me what they have done or what they know might workplease let me know..... and if i am ok with what i have
heres a pic to show u what i have
thanks for any help!


New Member
I dont exactly know about your specific tank, but I just put fans (2) onto my 55 blowing outside air in also but have had thte problem of the air blowing on the water and actually cooling the water 1 or 2 degrees. The air wasnt even cold. So I just turned the fans to blow the inside air out and so far that has worked out.
Your tank (100) might be a little different....
Just my experience....


Active Member
yeah that kinda makes sence...
i ended up having one blow air in and the other end blow air out.... ill give it a day or so and keep an eye on the thermo check the reading right now my lights have been on for 8 hrs and the tanks at 80 i have another 3 more hours left so ill check it at the end of the night....
thanks for the reply