Canopy for 54g corner?


I'm turning my 54g corner into a reef tank and I would like to know if there is a canopy for that tank. I've called one of my lfs and they said they don't have one. However, I've seen pictures of other people's tank on the internet and I'm wondering where to get one?

richard rendos

Active Member
I have a 54 corner bowfront...I don't use a canopy. I have a MH pendant over mine. Works well and no problems with heat. Just a thought.


I have an LFS in Virgina that made a 72 bow canopy for much cheaper than I could get it around boston. I can get you their contact info if you are interested.
A LITTLE high ?!?!?!?! Geez, that a fortune. They look really nice though. I think I'd try my hand at woodworking first !!! If I wasted $50-$75 in lumber, I would feel better at least trying before spending the $1500 on a corner or bowfront stand !!!
Just my $0.02, but the stands are VERY nice looking.