Can't clean my collection cup on skimmer


Active Member
For some reason the water goes up to far in my skimmer, up past the neck, if i try to take the cup off, the water pours out. Any way to lower the water line in the skimmer? We tried shutting it off, but as soon as we get it turned back on it refills to high. any ideas? we are thinking the pipe going into the skimmer, and fuge is to high, its above the neck, if we make it lower, will it keep the level in the skimmer lower?



Active Member
It looks like the T on the outlet side of the skimmer is too high. When the skimmer is shut off, the water in the body will only drain as low as that T, as that's where the water level between the body and outlet plumbing equalizes.
Nice skimmer by the way! Deltec, I presume?


Active Member
Yep, we lowered the T and its working great!
. The skimmer is a german make, no name on it, but only large skimmer my LFS sells.


Active Member
Good to hear!
Seeing the colors, shapes, and features of the skimmer in the photo and knowing that it's German-made just about confirms that it is a Deltec skimmer.


Active Member
So its a decent skimmer in your opinion? This is our first skimmer besides the aqua C we had on our 75 gal, we needed something larger for our 150 DAS tank.


Active Member
It's most definately a good skimmer! Needlewheel is the way to go in my opinion (especially when using the recirculating method which you have), and I just put the Deltec hang-on skimmer on my 65g reef.


Active Member
Great! We were deffinetly relying on our LFS on this one, guess he knows what he is talking about, good luck with yours
And thanks!