Cant Decide On Fish! Help!!!


Active Member
i really dont know what type of fish to do with my tank. ANY SUGGESTIONS WILL HELP
i really want lionfish, puffers, and an eel...i have a 180 gallon tank
but at the same time i want inverts(and maybe coral). i want like crabs, shrimp, snails, and a bunch of inverts.
anybody have an stocking suggestions for someone new to it. i have a 180 gallon tank with 200 pounds of live rock with a protein skimmer and a uv lite.


Well if you were to get grouper you could also get cleaner shrimp and other cleaner species. I saw a huge full grown grouper getting cleaned by a neon gobie and a cleaner shrimp. You could always get grouper then all the cleaning species you want. Maybe a couple tangs also. Thats what i would do. You could also probably get an eel. I know if you add the cleaner shrimp first some types of eels wont attack it.


I think if you put many of those fish with shrimp and crabs you will be providing your fish a very expensive lunch;)