Can't diagnose disease


Active Member
Hello all,
well, I went off to camp this week and when I returned I'd lost two fish and I think I'm losing a third.
I am having a hard time diagnosing what the disease is. I'm leaning towards Brooklynella but I'm not convinced because:1. My engineer goby that has it isn't producing slime and 2. he hasn't lost his appetite.
Here's a discription: White, cloudy patches along his body. Looks kind of like mold but doesn't seem to be raised off of the skin. Part of the left pectoral fin is missing and the remaining fin is thready.
fish is eating and digging as normal. Very active.
Thanks for any help...


Active Member
Was anything added recently?
If so, brooklynella would certainly be likely. You should consider doing the formalin baths outlined in the FAQ sticky at the top of this forum.
If not, I would be wondering about your water parameters. Poor water quality could cause a fin and tail rot with patches that look like mold. Someone may not have added top off water correctly while you were gone at camp. This would be treated with a good water change and perhaps adding Maracyn 2 to a quarantine tank (medications such as this should not be added directly to your display tank).
Engineer gobies are very hardy fish. Very few diseases seem to affect them.
What species of fish died or is ailing now? If a clownfish was involved, brooklynella is particularly likely.