Cant figure out for the life of me what is wrong but it doesnt look good :( :(


Hello my fellow fishologists !!!
Havent been on the board for a while as all has been well with the tank.
I have a soft coral that I inherited when I got the tank 3 years ago. Its always been healthy looking and very green and it would open up big and pretty.
Welllllllll, I dont know what happened but its been looking like the attached picture.
If someone could help me out on what they think is going on I would appreciate it.
All levels on the water are perfect. Nothing out of whack :( :(


Originally Posted by nikeSB http://cant-figure-out-for-the-life-of-me-what-is-wrong-but-it-doesnt-look-good#post_3300821
bleached. have you changed your lighting recently? added carbon? moved it higher?
Thanks for your reply.
Its about 8 inches away from the lights. Actually added new lights after this happened thinking that there might be a correlation. Havent added any carbon at all.
Once again, its strange indeed. Any suggestions on how to bring it back ?


Active Member
Adding light to a stressed coral is not really a good thing. What lights are you running? Wattage? Age of the bulbs? Distance above the water? Size of tank or the dimensions?
Maybe do a water change. The reason for doing them is to replace the things we can't test for. If your water doesn't have issues with nitrates, then the big changes aren't needed. However, some are.


Originally Posted by Posiden http:///forum/thread/379672/cant-figure-out-for-the-life-of-me-what-is-wrong-but-it-doesnt-look-good#post_3300902
Adding light to a stressed coral is not really a good thing. What lights are you running? Wattage? Age of the bulbs? Distance above the water? Size of tank or the dimensions?
Maybe do a water change. The reason for doing them is to replace the things we can't test for. If your water doesn't have issues with nitrates, then the big changes aren't needed. However, some are.
I am running 4 / T5'S. 2 / white and 2 actinic @ 54 watts / 48 inches. Brand new bulbs @ about 10 inches. Did 2 / 20 % water changes in the last 30 days
Sounds like moving it down might help :( What a drag. I will give it a shot.