Can't figure this out?


New Member
I have tried everything! I am so frustrated.
Here are my readings ammonia 0, salt 1.021, nitrite 0, nitrate .10, ph 8.0. Every time I put a cleaner shrimp in they die with in ten minutes.Is there something wrong with my readings?
How are you acclimating them? only thing I can think of is shock, most likely your lfs has a little higher salinity in their invert tanks and probably a tad higher in the ph range, but I am thinking it is most likely acclimation. Also, have you ever treated your tank with any copper based meds?


Active Member
I also suspect the acclimation procedure. I would also raise the salinity to 1.023-1.025 and the ph to 8.2-8.3.


New Member
I put 4 in today that I ordered from saltwater fish .com, my fish are doing great, I just don't understand? My salt was a little low last week when I put one in and it died also, so I raised the salt and they are still dying. I try to keep the salt at 1.020 because the store I by fish at keeps there's at that. I did use STOP parasites a month ago for ick, but have done 2 water changes since then, but that stuff says it's safe for them. I am clueless! What do you guys keep your salt at?


there is no doubt that their is something else in the tank..... I suggest bringing a sample of water (in a big clean jar) to your LFS and have them run the tests for metals,ph, ammon., nitrates..... the whole ball of goodies,,,, do you have any metal ornaments,old ones with lead paint??? it just don't sound right..... do you acclimate them properly???? float them for 20 min--- add 1/4 cup of your water to the bag---- float another 20 min--- repeat 2 or 3 times each time before adding your tank water remove 1/4 to 1/2 cup of the water from the bag and DISCARD IT>>>> DO NOT ADD IT TO THE TANK !!!!!! other than that I am at a loss and hope for you good luck ........ ;)


New Member
No metals in the tank, the only thing I did do and shouldn't have is I had to measure the stop parasites stuff and I dipped the spoon in the tank to get the rest off, would that have done something? and what to do next? Is there a test for metals? I have one tang, two clowns, and 5 anemones, and two things I have no clue, they are some kind of crabs maroon and white stripped, large pinchers, and arms in front that move like they are boxing.Thanks guys for the help!

cactus jack

are you actually watching them die or do they disappear? they are very sensitive to any changes in salinity or temperature or even water changes. did you do a water change right before you introduced them and maybe not remove the chlorine from your tap water? too bad too because they are awesome to keep. i love mine big time. i would never have a tank without them. you really need to ease them into your tank. whatever your normal acclimation is i would suggest cutting the amount of water you add to the bad in half and doing it over twice the time. a lot of shrimp will freeze up as if they are dead when they are first put in but then come out of it. if they are disappearing you have a whole other problem going on. what size is your tank?


About the hermits... is one claw large and the other one smaller? If so they are probably left handed hermits. As for your shrimp, good luck, I don't understand, copper would kill the hermits.


New Member
They move around a little for about 2 minutes then they freeze up like you said and them fall over, I don't understand I used to have one and he did great until he shed and my power blue tang had him for lunch.


New Member
I too used Stop Parasite a couple months ago. It did nothing for my ick problem and I'm fairly sure that it caused the death of several shrimp that I had in the tank. When I bought some fire shrimp recently the LFS said to acclimate them very slowly. Adding a little tank water to the bag every 5 mins. for about a half hour.


Active Member
Cleaner shrimp will die almost immediately if they are not acclimated to a hcnge in specific gravity. I think its called hyposalitic shock, when put in the tank they will appear to have a seizure and die. The best way to acclimate them is to put them in a small container in the water they cam in and slowly drip water from your tank into the container until most of the water is from your tank. You should also raise your specific gravity to 1.023-1.025 if you plan on keeping invertabrates. Not sure about the stop parasite stuff, but if it contained copper, malachite green or fermeldahyde sp? that could be the problem. Good luck