Can't find my blenny!!!!!


I woke up this morning and I can't find him. He did not carpet surf (well if he did I can't find him) and he was not dead in the tank. Are they known for hiding? If so when will he resurface? If he died would my hermits or anemone eat him so quick?


Active Member
What kind of blenny is it?
If he did die, it is possible, if you have a good clean up crew, for them to finish him off in one evening... particularly if it was a small fish.


Boy not the response I was hoping for. :nope:
I have only a few hermits and a bunch of snails.
He is a Lawnmower BTW.
Could he be hiding:nervous:


It is possible he is hiding. Mine hides sometimes and can be hard to find because he blends in so well. You can always try carefully removing the rock but that is a hastle.


Active Member
With only a few hermits, it would take them longer than one evening to finish off a dead fish and you would see an ammonia rise before then.
With a lawnmower blenny though, I wouldn't worry just yet. They tend to hide somewhat freqently... we sometimes don't see ours for days at a time.


Now that is my kind of response. I have only had him a few weeks, but I love the little guy.


Active Member

Originally posted by SaltyJ
Now that is my kind of response. I have only had him a few weeks, but I love the little guy.

I'm sorry... I didn't mean to worry you more earlier. I probably could have phrased my first reply better. :thinking:
Anyway, I agree that LMBs are great fish... lots of personality. We love ours... I get a kick out of the little "kiss' prints he leaves on the glass.


Kreach or anyone,
I moved some rocks and found a patch of Sludge could this be all that is left of Lenny?


Active Member

Originally posted by SaltyJ
Kreach or anyone,
I moved some rocks and found a patch of Sludge could this be all that is left of Lenny?

It would take a longer than just overnight for a fish to decompose to that degree... not to mention, if this "sludge" was a dead fish, your ammonia levels would probably be out the roof!


Can you tell from this picture what my amm. level is??
I can't decide p.s. my clowns and corals are doing great.


Well I guess my clean up crew is the mother of all clean up crews because I just found Lennys backbone and tail in some sludge. What could have caused his death?