Can't Find My Catalina Goby In My Tank


I can't find my fish in my tank I have not seen her for about 3-4 days she does not come out for feedings and I don't see any signs of a dead fish. Is this common for a fish to hide for this long??? I don't have any fish that would eat her (at least I don't think). In my tank I have 2 Clown, Neon Goby, Scooter Blenny, Foxface, Fridmani, Watchman Goby, Firefish.


Active Member
What is the temperature in your tank?
Are you aware that these fish require cooler water than most aquarium fish?


Active Member
They really need it somewhere around the 68 degree mark for long term, but I doubt 75 would kill it quickly. I suppose I should ask how long you've had the fish in this tank?
Some fish can hide for a long time, especially when new or scared, but I would be pretty concerned after 3-4 days.


I have had her in there for about a week......I have noticed Bristle worms in my tank she was pretty small do you think it could have caught her.....I know it's far fetched but Idon't know all of my fish are small.


Active Member
How did you acclimate?
Did the fish come from a trustworthy source that you are familiar with?
No, bristle worms didn't catch your fish, but probably disposed of its remains if it did die.