Can't find the dead percula, what should I do?


My beloved large percula disappeared, i searched about an hour, no where i was able to find it. In addition to more water change and checking on water parameters, is there anymore i can do?
it was breathing heavily just yesterday, but no visible wound or infection, rest are fine though.


Sorry to hear about your percula. I have one too but he's off my favorites list because everytime I feed he bites the hell out of me. With all the lr you have he might have hid himself or maybe one or a few of your other animals finished him off <img src="graemlins//angel.gif" border="0" alt="[angel]" /> I saw your signature and noticed a semi-opened brain. I have the same problem with my brain and was curious if this was normal or if it's sick. Do you have any idea? I've done a search but can't find the answer.