Can't leave tank alone...MH questions...


Active Member
I've got one set 48"4 bulb (440 watts) vho and one set 72" (2 bulb) vho actinic on the 135 gal. So now I'm thinking I need to start the 55 gal back up as FOWLR in the bedroom and put the 440 watts on that. So if I go MH on the 135 for sps am I going to need 3 of them? What is the best wattage? Best bulbs for least $$? Best set up to run them with the 2 actinics? Bulbs would be about 11 inches above water, high enough? I've got 2 fans in canopy. Tank is 72 x24 x 18.


Active Member
Well being the excellent carpenter I am, I just measured from the bottom of the vho bulbs down and that's 11 inches. I was thinking that I'd keep the 2 - 72" vho actinic bulbs ( 330 watts) which are mounted on outside edges of the hood and install the MH's down the middle of the hood where the 4 48" vhos are now and put them on the 55. Make sense? Would that get too hot? I was thinking 3 also because you get about 2 ft of coverage per, right?


Active Member
go three unless you want some lower light on the edges for low light corals. I have seen it done that way. if strictly SPS then go 3....also agree on the 250's. I am setting up a 120 that is 48x24x24 and will be using 2 250's and 2 96w pc actinics about 8 inches above the water. i am going with 10k's I think....debating over the 20k radiums. My canopy will also have an open back along with fans to help with heat. Good luck and post some pics...sounds like a really nice setup. Might have to drive back down to OK to see it;)


Active Member
That is something to think about. Maybe 2 would be better leaving me about 12 inches on each end for some of my lower light lovers. Figuring out which bulbs to get confuses me no end. There is the growth v color issue with sps. Well I'd like both obviously but, assuming healthy, color would be my priority. Then there is the blue/white/yellow/pink issue. and the depth, and lumens and pars and etc with the 6500k, 10k, 20k radiums and then there are those new XM's:confused: :eek: :confused: Oh yeah, and what's with ushio's, sakis, cost effectiveness, bulb life etc.... countless threads on these, just got an idea for DIY "LIGHTING OF THE WEEK" which could lead to 'REFUGIUMS OF THE WEEK" and so forth...:D


Active Member
Golfish, no tell me how you really feel about sps:rolleyes: just kidding...but please do tell me what you mean on the saki's about "the color isn't all that" And is the 330 watts vho actinic enough? I'm wanting a fairly crisp look with shimmer, yeah that's it shimmer:cool:


Active Member
I'll toss in my opinion here too - although it's a very limited opinion.
Golfish helped me months ago with my MH decision.
On my 75 reef - I'm running
(2) 250 Ushio 10,000K driven with the PFO Dual 250 watt HQI ballast.
Crisp white is the result - very white without any actinics.
Add in 220 watts of URI VHO actinics - and the tank has a nice white/blue appearance to my eyes.
Add in some URI 50/50 VHO - totally white tank.
Add in some URI Aquasun VHO - pinkish white.
There are many choices for sure.


Active Member
OK, I trust your advise golfish and Brian. I'm going with it:cool: Thanks. And golfish for your excellent advise both past and present ( and your evil twin too) I'm going to send you a nice pair of rose colored glasses:D I'm going to need to be on your good side when I start asking the sps questions.;)