Active Member
Well at first i was thinking a more semi peaceful reef fish and then i wanted to do sharks and rays but now i think i want more peaceful fish..i am thinking of a built in wall 150 or 180 gallon the fish i would like to add would be
1 Flame Angel
4 lyretail anthias (female)
1 lyretail anthia (male)
1 Blackcap Basslet
1 Purple Firefish Goby--maybe a pair of helfrichi's instead
2 Green mandarin dragonets (mated pair)--would not add till i had tank and refugium set up for atleast a year
1 Achilles Tang-added first
1 Blue Hippo Tang
1 Yellow Tang-added at same time as sailfin
1 Sailfin Tang-added at same time as yellow
1 Blonde Naso Tang-Male
aThreadfin butterfly-reef safe?
yellow longnose butterfly- reef safe?
flame wrasse-reef safe?
filament wrasse-reef safe?
green coris wrasse- reef safe?
blue spot jawfish- reef safe?
clown fairy wrasse- reef safe?
yellow corris wrasse-reef safe?
mystery wrasse-reef safe?
any wrasses reef safe?
is there any type of fish that looks similar to a green bird wrasse but is reef safe and not too aggresive?
1 or 2 (if two they would be a mated pair) yellow watchman goby
any other gobys or fish that stay on the rock or sand that are reef safe?
any other suggestions of fish that would look nice that are reef safe??(no more tangs or big fish like that)
Inverts i would like to put in
2 cleaner shrimp(have one in my 72)
2 fire shrimp
2 peppermint shrimp (already have in my 72)
LOTS of snails and hermits, including like 10 REALLY big nassarious snails
i would like to have some starfish..any ideas(that will live longer than a month) and are pretty easy to care for
horseshoe crab?
if i get metal halides i would want some clams (crocea and maxima)
anything else that would be good?
Corals wish list
the soft corals
maybe a birdsnest
torch corals
yellow leather toadstool
other leathers..any ideas?
cup corals
any other cool looking fairly easy corals?
am i going over the limit? for the tangs i COULD pass on the yellow and blonde naso..(if a yellow longnose butterfly is reef safe maybe i could have one of those instead?) if i HAD to i would like a reef i would want about 200-300 pounds of live rockwith about 150-200 pounds of live sand
for lighting i have no idea..i kinda want it where i have those lunar lights to put on at the beginning and end of the fishies day so any suggestions of good lights that i could have alot of corals?...MAYBE METAL HALIDES...would you hang the lights..or put it over the tank?
i would have a big refugium underneath...what should i put in big do you think will fit nicely??
Filtration and flow...what are really good filtration things that you would put in...what are some REALLY good skimmers that can handle alot..etc (so ideas on equiptment)...the Deltec AP851 would be good?
I have been told i can get a big tank...and get really excited and wanna plan EVERYTHING out where it will hopefully go through smoothly...i really hope..hmm what else could i ask...hmm...k im not thinking of anything else..i think i pretty much covered may even be a 225 gallon cuz i have found em that are 6ft too
~i do understand~
that the blackcap basslet may or may not be interested in shrimp
the flame angel may or may not be interested in coral
mandarin dragonets need LOTS of pods (the reason for the big refugium)and i will not add till atleast a year
Any help or comments will be appreciated...please dont yell at me if i planned something wrong...please just tell me nicely..i may not want to change too much so just warning i try to not really unless i have to as far as the fish...THANKS IN ADVANCE
1 Flame Angel
4 lyretail anthias (female)
1 lyretail anthia (male)
1 Blackcap Basslet
1 Purple Firefish Goby--maybe a pair of helfrichi's instead
2 Green mandarin dragonets (mated pair)--would not add till i had tank and refugium set up for atleast a year
1 Achilles Tang-added first
1 Blue Hippo Tang
1 Yellow Tang-added at same time as sailfin
1 Sailfin Tang-added at same time as yellow
1 Blonde Naso Tang-Male
aThreadfin butterfly-reef safe?
yellow longnose butterfly- reef safe?
flame wrasse-reef safe?
filament wrasse-reef safe?
green coris wrasse- reef safe?
blue spot jawfish- reef safe?
clown fairy wrasse- reef safe?
yellow corris wrasse-reef safe?
mystery wrasse-reef safe?
any wrasses reef safe?
is there any type of fish that looks similar to a green bird wrasse but is reef safe and not too aggresive?
1 or 2 (if two they would be a mated pair) yellow watchman goby
any other gobys or fish that stay on the rock or sand that are reef safe?
any other suggestions of fish that would look nice that are reef safe??(no more tangs or big fish like that)
Inverts i would like to put in
2 cleaner shrimp(have one in my 72)
2 fire shrimp
2 peppermint shrimp (already have in my 72)
LOTS of snails and hermits, including like 10 REALLY big nassarious snails
i would like to have some starfish..any ideas(that will live longer than a month) and are pretty easy to care for
horseshoe crab?
if i get metal halides i would want some clams (crocea and maxima)
anything else that would be good?
Corals wish list
the soft corals
maybe a birdsnest
torch corals
yellow leather toadstool
other leathers..any ideas?
cup corals
any other cool looking fairly easy corals?
am i going over the limit? for the tangs i COULD pass on the yellow and blonde naso..(if a yellow longnose butterfly is reef safe maybe i could have one of those instead?) if i HAD to i would like a reef i would want about 200-300 pounds of live rockwith about 150-200 pounds of live sand
for lighting i have no idea..i kinda want it where i have those lunar lights to put on at the beginning and end of the fishies day so any suggestions of good lights that i could have alot of corals?...MAYBE METAL HALIDES...would you hang the lights..or put it over the tank?
i would have a big refugium underneath...what should i put in big do you think will fit nicely??
Filtration and flow...what are really good filtration things that you would put in...what are some REALLY good skimmers that can handle alot..etc (so ideas on equiptment)...the Deltec AP851 would be good?
I have been told i can get a big tank...and get really excited and wanna plan EVERYTHING out where it will hopefully go through smoothly...i really hope..hmm what else could i ask...hmm...k im not thinking of anything else..i think i pretty much covered may even be a 225 gallon cuz i have found em that are 6ft too
~i do understand~
that the blackcap basslet may or may not be interested in shrimp
the flame angel may or may not be interested in coral
mandarin dragonets need LOTS of pods (the reason for the big refugium)and i will not add till atleast a year
Any help or comments will be appreciated...please dont yell at me if i planned something wrong...please just tell me nicely..i may not want to change too much so just warning i try to not really unless i have to as far as the fish...THANKS IN ADVANCE