Cant See


I have a 55 gallon tank. I set it up yesterday. I first filled my tank with water. Then i added the correct amount of salt. I then let my filter run until the sal dissolved. Then I turned off my pump and poured 40 lbs of sand in. I waited 10 minutes and turned my filter on. Day 2 it clearefd up some but is still really foggy. My questionis did i screw up by not cleaning my sand off? I thought i needed all the minerals and ---- for the tank to fully cycle. Please someone hlep me because this is very frustraighting. I now have to filters on to try and cycle out the powder.
Should I Take 20 gallons of water out and replace it to reduce the powder or should i try and let the filters take care of it.
Thank all you guys for the help I really appreciate it!!


Active Member
first ,...........
calm down this is normal.
it will settle in time... once it settles (ive seen it take close to two weeks.)
throw in some LR and a raw shrimp ... this should start your cycle...


I have lIve rock comming in a few days should i wait for my tank to clear up before i put it in if not can the live rock sit out of water??
Also what do u mean when u say raw shrimp


What coach is saying that this is of all things a patience hobby. Slow down a llittle. Yes, it will settle, No, you should not have washed the sand especially if it's live sand. The raw shrimp is put in to start decaying and starting the ecological process. (the "cycle"). It is then that you will need to start testing your water to see when all your parimeters have spiked and the tank has "cycled"


Active Member
keep running your "filter" system. this will enable the sand to settle away from this system. but do clean the filter daily during the settling process.
p.s if your running a cannister filter..... throw some carbon in their to polish the water.. also use filter floss(pillow stuffing.)