Cant seem to keep CB shrimp alive


I was having a bristle worm problem so i decided to buy some Coral banded shrimp. One died in like 4 hours and the secound died within 4 days. I have a pepperment shrimp and a cleaner shrimp that have been alive for months now. Any ideas of what the problem could be? I have a lg Maroon Clown who i saw messing with them. Could he be killing them? However he never attacks the cleaner or the pepperment. Thanks guys


Active Member
how big is the tank? if ur cleaner and peppermint r ok, then perhaps its the clownfish. if the clownfish is used to having the 2 shrimps, it will attack any newcomers. cb shrimp is considered very hardy.


Its a 55 gallon. Yea im suprised he is a bit of a bully. I just dont want to point fingers if it wasnt him. I put the pepperment in at the same time i put one of the CB's in.
Did you also know that the cb shrimp will kill other shrimp so it probably was your clown defending the normal cleaner crew


oh wow i did not know that. Thank you that was very useful information. I guess CB is just not for me right now hahah.


yea my cleaner shrimp always seems to hang around him ahha. Maybe thats what it was. Its kind of cool and a bad way :(