Can't shake Algea Bloom


I had the water almost cyrstal clear. And then one day I get home and there it is again green cloudy water...:( I did 20% water changes a week with RO water. and its still there. There Is no real algea on the LR , that i can see, Its just the water turning green. Could my lights be too strong?? What is going on?? My tank been set up for about 4 1/2 months now with refuge and protien skimmer. There are no fish in it. THere are however snail, Crabs, Blue Clam, anaome and coral. Does anyone have any clue as to what i can do or what the problem is??


PH is the only thing kinda low but i have been using a buffer lately. All other are ok. It was low cuse i have been using Distilled water but now i have been making RO water changes with buffer. I have HQI lights they are as old as my tank no more the 4 1/2 months. Its the 4 blue tubes and the halogen.


not sure i'm at work right now i will check in a min or at lunch. I run them form noon till about 10 pm so 10 hours usually. let me check on watts..


Check back here at 12:55pm. I will post it then. I will be on my lunch break and i can check all then. O yea thats Central time.


ok here it goes
PH 8.0- low need to add more buffer
KH 10
Ca 480
NH ( ammonium) .40 Weird have not seen that much in a while ( remember no fish)
NO2(Nitrite) 0.0
PO (phosphate) 0.0
NO3 (Nitrate) 0.0
Gravity 1.023
40 gl hex
with refugium and protien skimmer
45 lb LR
1in sand bed
i use Purple up
marine buffer by Seachem
oceanic Natural Sea salt
and Reef Builder "raises Carbonate Alkalinity"


Active Member
Your PH is fine. Is the KH reading in dkh?? Buffers should be added to increase or maintain the alkalinity... not to increase the PH.
Your SG could be raised to 1.025...
Only other reading we need is phosphates.
Continue with the water changes and run some carbon.
How did you acclimate your lighting??


what do you mean acclimate my lighting?? its been on there sence i started. I posted the phosphates. I said 0.0.. I was told to keep gravity at 1.022.. Are there different types of Carbon? which kind do i get??


Active Member
Sorry I overlooked the phosphates. Black Diamond is a good carbon. Personally I'd take the SG up to 1.025 but make sure you're adjust for temperature if you are using a swing arm.


YEa but non of that helps me with my algea bloom. Could there be a dead snail i am not seeing. Or can molted shell from a emerald crab cause my ammonia to rise?? Is there something cridical causing this?


Geez, I had this recurring problem for awhile in my 90. I knew because of the location in my family room & the amount of windows besides the lighting that was causing the problem. Location I couldn't move, but I used the garden shade cloth to make full lenght shades stapled to framework that went in the skylights & of course draperies helped. Keeping the lights off during the brightess/hottest time of day also helped that tank. Winter time is always different because of the gray skies in the PNW. It might not be a factor in your problem but is something to consider.


Active Member
Originally Posted by SubVillian
YEa but non of that helps me with my algae bloom.
Don't be so sure. Carbon could help tramendously...