Capricornis keeps dying :-(


I have tried 4 Capricornis now and everytime I add them they seem to fade slowly. I do not know what I am doing wrong. My water has been checked out and is just fine. It's a 90gal and has T5 lighting. 2 white bulbs and 2 blue. I tried putting them very close to the top with strong water flow on them thinking that would do the trick for sure but my orange one is fading. All my other corals do just fine in the tank. Is there a trick to these?


Active Member
Does it look like the surface of the monti is peeling off or does the color just fade? Have you checked for monti eating nudi's? I've lost large monti colonies to them guys and what I'd recommend doing is dipping the monti to see if anything comes off. They are hard to get rid of. Either you pick them one at a time and make sure no egg colonies exist or you remove all your monti's from the system and let the nudi's die of starvation. It can take 3-4 months.


Active Member
what is ur water parameters? u cant blast water flow directly at them. sps likes medium to strong indirect flow. if it gets too much direct flow, it will turn white and bleached. caps in general r very easy to keep. what other corals do u hv? i'd say its either ur water parameters or flow. as for lighting, what kind of fixture do u hv (t5 with individual reflectors? and what brand?)?