carbon and water changes.


eric b 125

i'm going to start running carbon for a week or two out of the month. should i run it the week before doing
a water change, or the week after? my guess would be the week before, but i'm not sure


Why not just run it throughout the month?
My thoughts here are that running it here and there will not give you as consistent readings as only running it for one or two weeks.
My opinion would be to run it all the time, or not at all
(except for an emergency situation, such as an anemone dying in the tank, which carbon would help out). I'm interested in what others have to say about this.
Just curious, but if you currently don't run carbon, what's making you think about starting?

eric b 125

i want to run it b/c i'm starting to get a decent amount of corals, and it would help prevent chemical warfare. also, not that my water is visibly tinted, but the carbon would polish the water, allowing for better light penetration.


Originally Posted by Eric B 125
i want to run it b/c i'm starting to get a decent amount of corals, and it would help prevent chemical warfare. also, not that my water is visibly tinted, but the carbon would polish the water, allowing for better light penetration.
If chemical warfare is what youre trying to avoid, definitely run the carbon all the time.
And yes, it does polish the water