carbon can lead to hlle?


Active Member
well,i just read that some where...not sure if its true, but i'm going to skip carbon an see what happens without it! is is ok to run no carbon? i have an emperor 400 blue hippo has a little hlle, all my reading are where they should be too.. maybe i'll ditch the carbon?


Active Member
never heard of that, but carbon really just clears up the water and only works for 3 days, so you dont always have to run it


Staff member
Yes, carbon has been cited as being a contributing factor for HLLE. However, I think if you want to occasionally polish your water, its fine.


Active Member
Originally Posted by drea
well,i just read that some where...not sure if its true, but i'm going to skip carbon an see what happens without it! is is ok to run no carbon? i have an emperor 400 blue hippo has a little hlle, all my reading are where they should be too.. maybe i'll ditch the carbon?
running the carbons helps keep toxins out of the water
i have been keeping a various variety of fishh for 5 yrs one of the biggest factors with causes of HLLE is improper diet which is the main cause of vit deficiancy..i have always ran carbons on my tanks and will continue to do so ..and never have encountered any of my fish ever showing signs of HLLE..
i highly reccomend feeding your fish thera+A pellets by spectrum 3 times daily and a daily dose of selcon 1 mil directly to the tank.. you may also soak any frozen variety of foods in this supplimet ..selcon is known to help reverse the effects of HLLE in minor cases


Originally Posted by unleashed
running the carbons helps keep toxins out of the water
i have been keeping a various variety of fishh for 5 yrs one of the biggest factors with causes of HLLE is improper diet which is the main cause of vit deficiancy..i have always ran carbons on my tanks and will continue to do so ..and never have encountered any of my fish ever showing signs of HLLE..
i highly reccomend feeding your fish thera+A pellets by spectrum 3 times daily and a daily dose of selcon 1 mil directly to the tank.. you may also soak any frozen variety of foods in this supplimet ..selcon is known to help reverse the effects of HLLE in minor cases
Yes, I run carbon in all of my tanks at all times. Correct, besides poor water quality insufficient diet can also cause HLLE. Proper diet consisting of a variety of foods and vitamine suppliments are needed for all aquatic life.


Staff member
There are many purported causes for HLLE, many of which are antipodal . HLLE is really more a syndrome, likely resulting from a deficient immune system. So, keeping that in mind, you just are not going to get "this is absolutely the reason" causing HLLE. Therefore, its trail and error to figure out exactly what is causing HLLE in your particular fish.
While there is nothing wrong with carbon per say, particularly in a FO system, carbon filters will retard the effectiveness of natural filters (live rock and live sand fauna) in your system. For instance, in the case of carbon filters, the food source for filter feeders are demolished by this type of filter, eliminating the growth and development of better, natural, more efficient filter feeding organisms. When at all possible, it is best to move your system in the direction of using natural, rather than mechanical or chemical, filters. Carbon filters, anyway, unless changed often, like once a week, do not meet their full potential and can end up catching debris resulting in added unprocessed waste that will cause nitrate buildup.
As I said, polishing the water with a carbon filter occasionally is fine but a move in the direction of making your system self-sufficient is absolutely the best way to go.


Active Member
ok cool, very good info... i'm going to order that food.. right now i feed frozen brine (like once every two weeks), formua two flake food, spurilna, and about 3 other healthy reccomended foods... i also let it soak in zoecon and another vit solution i have...... my water is flawess and i do a 10 gallon water change every week...... i'm going to stay on top of this and see if it improves.. thanx again for the help! :happyfish
what exactly does this selecon do by adding it to your tank?