Carbon filter media?

I have some carbon filter media for my filter. I have heard it is bad and I have heard that it is good...Which one is it?
if it is not good then I am going to throw it away, but if it beneficial I will use it. Please help me with this dilemma!


Active Member
Depends on who responds. Carbon is used to remove chemicals from water, that's good. Carbon can be a collecting place for waste-uneaten food, poo, etc-that's bad. I use it and swear by it. Others say they had constant nitrate issues from the waste being physically trapped in it.


I use it and also swear by it. I personally will only use ChemiPure Elite. I've noticed that most people who don't like it, don't keep their tanks clean, don't keep up with water changes, etc. If you don't keep up with your tank, you're going to have nitrate issues, period. JMO. I also do not follow the directions for ChemiPure, they say to change it every 3 months, I do every other month and have had no issues. I think it keeps my water parameters better in check than not using it and have also noticed a less "fishy" smell in my sump.


Active Member
Well, I'm a little less diligent. I change it every 3 months and do 20% water changes every 3-4 weeks and have no issues with trates. I use whatever carbon is cheapest at the moment I need more. Carbon is just that, carbon element. It's molecules attract unstable chemical molecules and adhere to them. That's it. Carbon is carbon and if it's carbon it'll do its job. Just my .02.


Originally Posted by BTLDreef
I use it and also swear by it. I personally will only use ChemiPure Elite. I've noticed that most people who don't like it, don't keep their tanks clean, don't keep up with water changes, etc. If you don't keep up with your tank, you're going to have nitrate issues, period. JMO. I also do not follow the directions for ChemiPure, they say to change it every 3 months, I do every other month and have had no issues. I think it keeps my water parameters better in check than not using it and have also noticed a less "fishy" smell in my sump.
I believe you said to get it when I asked so I picked up the regular chemipure and its taken that fishy smell right out of the water! I picked up a canister filter and use 2 in there along with some sponges etc and I couldnt be happier. I do a 20G water change in my 90g tank every other week. I may now be able to get by with an every 3-4 week change but I don't want to take a far so good I recommend it!


Originally Posted by GeckoXp
I believe you said to get it when I asked so I picked up the regular chemipure and its taken that fishy smell right out of the water! I picked up a canister filter and use 2 in there along with some sponges etc and I couldnt be happier. I do a 20G water change in my 90g tank every other week. I may now be able to get by with an every 3-4 week change but I don't want to take a far so good I recommend it!
glad you like it